Sunday, September 13, 2015

Weight Loss Goal #2 -----> Success!

My second weight loss goal was to lose 10 lbs, and I'm so excited that I did it!

Thank You, South Beach!

I wasn't sure how long it would take me to reach this milestone, and I'm happy that it didn't take me as long as I expected.  When you hear someone talking about how much your metabolism slows down as you get older, believe them.  Seriously.

I have to work so hard these days to lose just a single pound.  Years ago I could drop a few pounds just by thinking about it.  But my trusty South Beach Diet hasn't let me down yet.  It's crazy how well I respond to it, which I supposed just goes to show that I really need to stay true to my no sugar eating habits.

My body and sugar are so not friends!

For my next goal, I'm going to concentrate on fitting back into a pair of jeans that I wore 6 years ago for some photos.  I was so depressed when I had to buy the jeans because I had gained weight and couldn't fit into any of the ones in my closet.  Six years later I'm working towards being able to fit back into them.  It's depressing how much I've let myself go the past 5 years.  I'm thrilled to finally be in a place where I can concentrate on making these changes for myself.  I'm not sure how much weight I'll need to lose to fit into the jeans, but my guess is 3-5 lbs.

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