Monday, September 25, 2006

Light the Night

Last night I participated in the Light the Night walk with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I'm not exactly sure how far we walked, but it was about 2 or 3 miles. I participated with Team "Never Give Up", which was lead by the mother of my first honored hero, Matthew. Our team was the top fundraising team that wasn't a corporate or school team. Yeah! This is a cause that has become very near and dear to me since first getting involved with Team in Training.

Matthew was there walking, along with my current honored hero, Greg, and his family. The cancer survivors carry white balloons, and the rest of us carry red ones. The balloons all light up, and are supposed to glow, but the walk started before it was dark out, so it kinda lost it's affect. It was still impressive to see all of the supporters out there, and very heart breaking to see all the young children with their white balloons. Sure makes you stop and think about all you have to be thankful for!

I must begrudgingly admit that the back of my legs and butt were slightly sore this morning when I woke up. I really must get back to doing something! Anything! It is really quite pathetic that a 2 or 3 mile WALK can make me sore these days. Next week, I plan on going out for another trial run. I just need to get on the other side of the wedding that I am in this coming Saturday the 30th and regain some sanity first!


  1. Nice job on the walk. And, don't beat yourself up for being sore - it means you worked hard. Enjoy your friend's wedding week.

  2. Very cool about the walk.

    Have fun this week - don't you just love being a bridesmaid ;)Seriously, I have a nice assortment of dresses myself - many colors and many styles.
