Friday, November 3, 2006

Need Some Motivation?

4.5 Miles and nothing from my ankle.

Not. A. Peep.

The blisters, however, were screaming loud and clear. But another few weeks and my precious calluses will be back. Then all will be right with my world.

I have decided that Tomb Raider is the all time best movie to run to. It may not be winning an Academy Award any time soon. But it's a pretty darn good motivator.

Seriously, what female doesn't want to look like Angelina Jolie? Who wouldn't kill for those thighs? Who wouldn't want to ride a motorcycle like Lara Croft? Not to mention fight like she does?

Don't believe me? Rent the movie and just try not to be motivated to keep moving during the first scene.

Bet you can't do it.


  1. I might have to rent the movie! Awesome job on the 4.5 miles! Way to go!!!

  2. Thanks for stopping by runnergirl.

    I hope that ankle doesn't give you anymore problems. I read your profile and running a marathon was always one of my lifetime goals as well. Good luck with the pain free training.

  3. I agree, Jolie has a body that motivates a work out. If only. . . :)

  4. Yeah for the miles!! Can't wait to hear when the calluses come back!

  5. I pictured you running with a tv in your arms. Doh! I forgot about treadmills.

    Arizona, USA
    (having trouble commenting, because of beta. but, following all my favorite blogs)

  6.'ve convinced me to rent Tomb Raider! And yes, I would love a body like Angelina's.

  7. Hmm....looks like I might need to end my Jolie boycott for a pinch of motivation.

    I'm glad the ankle is cooperating.


  8. i love Angelina, she has the most beautiful... ahem...eyes!!

  9. I know how you are feeling. I am trying to get back into running form. Blisters are SO evil and icky!

  10. I love Tomb Raider....not quite as much as I love Gone In 60 Seconds, but it's definitely on the all time favs list.

  11. keep up the great work.

  12. Good job on the run!! I bet it's SO nice to finally run pain free!!! =)
