Saturday, February 29, 2020

Here I Go, Again!

OK, so it's not 2 years this time - instead it's almost 5, but here I am once again writing about a return to running.

Only this time it's not me considering a return, I'm actually back!

But let's back up a bit shall we?....

First, here's a not so brief recap of the past few years that have brought me to where I am today:

In July 2016, I began working 4 days a week for a decent boss at a job that I actually enjoyed. Not too long after that, I was able to give up the two extra days I had been working for other employers. So after 5 very long years, I was finally able to stop working the insane 6 day a week work schedule that I had been maintaining the majority of the time since I moved.

As my work stress levels began to slowly decrease, my overall well being began to improve and I started to have time to actually take care of myself. I began doing more things that I enjoy and even found time to begin volunteering at an animal shelter, where I became friends with a few of the other volunteers. Some of us eventually morphed into a group that we jokingly call 'the commune' and for the first time since relocating to Arizona, I feel like I have a sense of community and a real support system.

In January 2018, I joined Weight Watchers with my mom and managed to lose the majority of the extra weight I had been carrying around for way too long. I made it to my goal weight of 139 lbs and became a lifetime member. I managed to keep all the weight off for a while, but then I slowly let myself slide and gained some of it back.  However, this time I didn't let myself fall off the wagon completely and I am once again at my goal weight and maintaining it.  Of course, I'd still love to weigh a few lbs less than I do, but the older I get the harder it is to drop even a pound or two, so I'm content - at least for now!

In July 2019, I had the opportunity to change jobs to an office just a few miles from my house.  No longer having the 30-35 minute commute each way and being close enough that I can run home every day on my lunch hour for my four (I added two since I last blogged!) dogs, really had a huge impact on my schedule and opened up a lot of options for me.

Since I no longer had to rush home at the end of the day to let my dogs out, I decided to join a gym when I took the new job. I started off going right after work, but I knew I'd probably struggle with the motivation before too long.  So I also hired a personal trainer at the gym who I meet with once a week.  I have to admit that there were several weeks where that appointment was the only time I set foot in the gym.  However, as I started to move more I slowly started to see improvements in my overall well being and that motivated me to keep going.  I slowly increased my visits until I was going more often than not, which is where I am currently.

In December 2019, I read Rachel Hollis' book "Girl, Stop Apologizing" and something about it just really clicked with me and inspired me to start running on the treadmill at the gym.  I never really decided to run, I just started running.  One run, turned into two, turned into signing up for a 5K (that is coming up very soon on March 22) and downloading a C25K training program to get me going.  I then signed up to for a Virtual 5K in support of Animal Rescues, that I will be running in the near future.  And now I'm starting to eye longer races and wondering just how far I can go. I'm feeling hopeful because I've been running for more than 2 months and so far I haven't felt even a twinge from my old injuries, and I'm wondering if all the yoga I've done has made the difference.

I really feel like I have made a lot of changes for the better in recent years, especially when it comes to my need for perfectionism.  These days one of my mantras is "Progress, not perfection!"  It really helps keep me on track when I do have an off day or two.  I get back to where I want to be so much faster than I used to before.

All I can say for now is that I'm not exactly sure where this foray into running is going to end up.  I have no real goals or plans.  However, I do feel like I'm actually back, which wasn't the case with the previous two attempts.  So stay tuned because I have a feeling that there will at least be a few new race reports on the blog in the not too distant future!

Sunday, February 16, 2020

It's About Damn Time!

Today is a day 14 years in the making.

The proudest moment in my life was May 6, 2006 when I crossed the finish line of the Indianapolis Half Marathon. Not when I graduated from college. Not when I got accepted into optometry school. Not when I passed my board exams. Not when I got my Doctor of Optometry license. But when I crossed that freaking finish line.


Because training to run that half marathon was the hardest thing I have ever done. In. My. Entire. Life.

I’m sitting here with tears streaming down my face as I remember the feeling of that accomplishment. As I remember what it felt like to have just ran 13.1 miles. As I remember how strong and powerful I felt. As I remember how proud I was of myself.

I drew strength from that accomplishment for quite a while. But sadly, that source of strength eventually diminished until it almost became more a source of shame. Shame because I had to stop running due to an injury. Shame because I never accomplished my ultimate goal of completing a full marathon. Shame because I felt like a quitter.


Today is the day that I reclaim that sense of accomplishment. Today is the day that I remind myself that I am strong. I am powerful. I am capable. I can do hard things. Today. Yes, today is the day that I remind myself that I am a mother fucking bad ass!

Because once upon a time I RAN 13.1 FREAKING MILES!

And that’s a big deal.