Sunday, January 14, 2007


My one year blogiversary was this past week. The day came and went and somewhere in the back of my mind was the thought that I started my blog a year ago. But, I was so insanely busy with the rest of my life that I didn't take the time to look it up to be sure. I looked over the weekend, and sure enough... my first post was on January 10, 2006.

Many things in my life slip by so quickly that when the anniversary rolls around I find myself saying, "I can't believe it's been a year since I..."

But not this time. For some reason the time I've spend keeping my blog hasn't slipped by unnoted and unnoticed. I don't know if it is because many of my posts are filled with the results of my soul searching, and therefore are memorable to me. Or if it simply because keeping my blog is something that I enjoy so much.

There have been a few times through the past year that I thought about giving up my blogging. Like when I injured my ankle and stopped running, or when life has just gotten so busy I feel lucky to find time to pay the bills, now yet be able to find enough time to put some thoughts down "on paper". But, I keep coming back again and again.

It's ironic, because my intent for starting this blog bears no relationship to my reasons for continuing it.

I set out blogging as a means to keep my friends and family up to date on my fundraising and training efforts for Team in Training.

But, the level of support that I have gotten from the RBF has been incredible, and is what has kept me coming back.

I don't know any individuals in my "real life" that run. My family doesn't run. None of my friends run. I was unable to really participate much with the group trainings when I was involved with TNT because I work every Saturday morning. And for the same reason, I've never made an attempt to join the local running club. So, I haven't met any new local running friends. So, I run solo. And I'm ok with that for the actual pounding the pavement part, but I do need support.

In my world, I can sense the mental eye rolling every time I announce that I have decided to start training for a new race. I can feel the thoughts going through every one's mind. The people who know me, but aren't affected by my training, start thinking, "Here she goes again. She's insane." And the ones who are affected by the training start in with, "Oh great. Here we go again. She's going to turn into the training nazi... with the early nights, and earlier mornings; with the no more drinking until the race is over; with the "No, I can't. I have to run." response when asked to do something; with the constant babble about shoes and gear and diet and hydration and carbs and pace and weather.

And I'm not trying to say that my friends and family aren't supportive. But they are supportive in a "Oh, that's cool if it's what you want to do." kind of way. As in an acceptance of the running, because they love and accept me.

But they don't "Get IT."

I blog because all of you wonderful, marvelous, (and slightly insane) fellow runners out there... all of you "Get IT."

And for that I say Thank You. A huge heartfelt Thank You. For the support, for the advise, for the validation, and for keeping me coming back for more.

Happy Blogiversary to me and Happy Running to all of you!


  1. Happy Blogiversary!!!! I have only been on a few months but have also loved the inspiration I get from reading about others who have already done what I am training to do now.

    Thanks for the update on Rabbit. I was beginning to wonder!

  2. Happy blogiversary! Your post was right on. As I was reading, I was shaking my head in agreement. Best wishes for more Adventures in Running.

  3. congratulations! I agree, too. The RBF rocks.
    (how do you like new blogger?)

  4. i hear ya girl! happy year of running :)

  5. May your second year be way better than the first year, even though it was awesome too.

    Arizona, USA

  6. Happy Blogiversary to you!

    I hear you! The blog has become a great place to debrief and commisserate since most folks IRL don't run.

    Here's to many more years of your running blog:-)

  7. Happy Blogiversary to you! How wonderful! I loved the post. Well said. I too had a different goal in mind when I started blogging and then became to know so many RFB'ers out there, per say, that I couldn't give it up! I love reading everyone's triumphs, ups, and downs, and I love giving and receiving information from you all! It's so wonderful! It's like a close knit family of running nazi's!

  8. Congratulations! I've enjoyed reading your blog - keep up the good work!

  9. What you said about your family and friends not getting it is so true. Except for my wife, none of my family "get it" either. It makes me wonder how many others on here have the same situation. Nice blog. Good Luck on your training.
