Thursday, May 24, 2007

Exciting News!

Well, first of all I just signed in to blogger, only to notice that this is my 200th post. Wow! So, I guess that is my first bit of exciting news to report.

The other exciting news is that my boyfriend has decided to sign up and run the Bayshore 10k with me! I think I kinda twisted his arm into it a bit, but I'm glad he will be running it "with me".

I know what's gonna happen though. For the next two days, he's going to ask me over and over if I'll stay with him and be sure to not leaving him behind. He'll say that he's afraid the mileage will be hard for him. That he's not a distance runner, just runs a few miles at the gym. He's not sure he'll be able to make it. Blah, Blah, Blah.

Then we are going to get to the start line, the gun will go off, and he'll leave me in the dust. I won't lay eyes on him again until after I cross the finish line, which he will have crossed 10 minutes earlier.

But, that's ok. I'm used be being left in the dust. Being a back of the packer isn't so bad. I'm just glad he's going to run it. He loved the two races that he ran with me last summer, and I have been thinking that he should try another one. It'll be his longest race ever, and I'm sure he'll be so excited to finish it!

Maybe I'll turn him into a runner yet!


  1. good luck this weekend

    omg, just saw your post on the carpet.

    i'm speechless, it looks so bad.

    GEta local news crew over there and see howe fast it gets fixed. They love stories like yours.

    Single, female homeowner being taken advantage of by burly construction types.

  2. that's funny, but probably true!

  3. Congrats on your 200th! And congrats on your boyfriend signing up to race alongside you. My husband is not a runner, so I can't ever envision him signing up for a race, but he is there on the sidelines cheering for me, and that's nice too.

  4. yay! That is so exciting.

  5. Congrats on the 200th post, and I can't wait to read the race report on the 10K!

  6. Congrads on 200th post. How did you do this weekend?

  7. That's awesome that he's going to run the 10K too. My hubby has done a 5k with me. His only training was running 2x on the treadmill the week before...he still kicked my butt! However, he didn't catch the bug...he hasn't run one with me since.

  8. That is so great that you got him to run the race with you! When I find a man that runs with me, I will know I have a keeper!

    Massage Chairs
