Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Why oh why does this always happen to me?

It seems that every time I finally get going with my training I get sick and it stops me in my tracks.

I started coming down with a cold on Monday, complete with sore throat, running nose, fever, and aches, and it's gotten progressively worse ever since.



  1. Oh noooooooo...I hope you don't have might want to get tested....Tamiflu helps shorten the duration.

    Get well soon!


  2. tis all good chica. rest up and get better soon. you'll be back out in no time!

  3. rest up and feel better, after all warm weather is almost here.


    i bout with a cold is way easier than a nagging injury, right?

  4. Water, water, water, water! And some zzzz's! I came down with a nice cold last thursday night, and drank most of my cold away with tons of fluids...water and gree tea with antioxidants! Rest up girl!

  5. Oh no!!!!!! Get some rest and hopefully you will be back at it soon!!

  6. colds stink! everyone at work keeps trying to let me have theirs...

  7. it does seem like some bad karma, doesn't it?!?! but it's not. it's just ... life. feel better!

  8. It happens to the best of us. Hang in there and I hope you feel better.

  9. Oh yuck. Well, rest up, drink plenty of liquids and get well soon!

  10. Slowing down is a bummer, but to fight a cold rest is the best medicine!! Take care, I know it sucks to slow down but a week away from running will not take away all the hard work you've done so far! Take care,

  11. Make sure you check on your eating habits. I'm new to your blog so I don't know how you do in that department. However, I made the huge disicovery, for me anyway, when I really picked up my training but my eating was sub-par, my body responded by getting sick and forcing me to slow down. If I keep my eating clean and at the correct calorie level I do MUCH better.

    Get well soon!


  12. I'm sorry! I know it's frustrating, but it will soon pass.

    Rest up and go get em!

  13. GO take Airborne! Do it now!!!!

    And feel better, ok? Have some soup:-) You'll get back in the saddle in no time:-)

  14. Sorry you're under the weather. I hope you have a quick recovery!!!

  15. I hope you are getting over that cold! I found your blog through another Bayshore runner--it's cool to be finding others out there. Hang in there!
