Sunday, March 8, 2020

Weekend Running Recap


I have been doing a half-assed attempt at completing a couch to 5K program since the end of January.  The issue is that the program is a little too easy for me and it's an 8 week program but when I started it I only had 6ish weeks until the 5K that I am signed up to run.  So, I haven't exactly been following it.

Some days I have done two of the run/walk session back to back.  Other days, I've used it as a loose guide as I have done my run/walk for the day. Now that I'm nearing the end of it, I use it to motivate me to keep running for the longer stretches before taking a walk/water break.  However, I still usually run longer than the program calls for.

On Friday afternoon, I had an appointment with my personal trainer at the gym.  I got out of work a bit early and had time to kill before hand, so I opted for a brief run on the treadmill.  I actually stuck to the day's C25K schedule which was warm up, run 10 minutes, walk 3 minutes, run 10 minutes, cool down.  I made it a very slow 2 miles in 30 minutes.  I hadn't even planned on running and I could feel the lingering effects of the cold from the beginning of the week so I kept it nice and easy.


I ran the Zooma International Women's Day Virtual 5K.  I read about the race on a running blog I stumbled upon as I was out wandering the blogosphere. You can read about my run here, as I decided to write a race report even thought it was a virtual one.

I didn't mention it in the race report, but I ran the exact same route that I ran last Sunday, only in reverse. I was running on the sidewalk, not the road, but I still decided it would be smarter (and easier on my neck) if I ran facing oncoming traffic so I switched the direction of the run. Going the other direct came up about .35 miles shorter. Very odd.

Those inconsistencies drive me bonkers and I'm already getting frustrated with how different my Apple watch and the running app on my phone are with pace and distance. I've been entertaining the idea of getting a new Garmin. I know that when I finally broke down and got one when I was training previously it made all the difference and was well worth every penny I spent on it!


I'm really trying to complete the C25K program before the 5K I have scheduled on March 22. I have 2 weeks left of the program and the race is two weeks from today.


So, I decided to head out first thing this morning and complete the next run on the program, which was warm up, 20 minute run, cool down. I'm not used to running as soon as I get up so I felt a bit sluggish and it took me a while to really get moving. I could tell my legs were a little tired from the third day in a row of running, but overall the run felt fine. I made it a little over 2 miles, but walked a little of the last one, as I wasn't interested in being an over-achiever this morning and stopped as soon as I hit the 20 minute mark.


Mile 1 12:03
Mile 2 12:31

Temp: 71° F

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