Sunday, March 22, 2020

Weekly Workout Recap: 3/16/2020 - 3/22/2020

Here is this week's Recap...


Today was supposed to be my appointment with my Personal Trainer, but given the current state of things I opted to cancel and did some Yin Yoga at home instead.

Aaptiv "Bedtime Bliss" Stretching Workout and "Tranquil Rest" Medication

Yin Yoga

3 - 3 ½ mile walk

Online Cardio Workout Video - which pretty much kicked my butt.

2ish mile hike with two of the babies - click here to read more about it and see some photos.

2ish mile walk with one of the fur babies and some friends, keeping proper social distance, of course.

I have to say that I really struggled with my workouts this week.  It took me until Thursday to get it together enough to get any real exercise, and no running was done.  I usually do most of my workouts at the gym immediately after work and most of my runs are on the treadmill.

With thy gym closed, I am having a hard time.  I really need the routine of going straight from work because once I walk in the door at home, either the to do list starts nagging or the couch starts calling and all good intentions go out the window.  I have to work tomorrow, but then I am off work for the foreseeable future.  So I figure I only need to ride it out one more day and then I'll have more than enough time to figure out a new workout routine and plan some outdoor runs.

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